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20 Second Tap the Shapes Fast Guide
Welcome to our comprehensive walkthrough for the game "20 Second Tap the Shapes Fast". In this article, we will guide you through all the levels of the game and provide tips and tricks to help you achieve your best score.


The aim of the game is simple - you need to tap the shapes as quickly as possible in order to score points. The game has two modes - Classic and Time Attack. In Classic mode, you have unlimited time to tap the shapes, but if you miss more than four shapes, the game is over. In Time Attack mode, you have only 20 seconds to tap as many shapes as possible.

Level 1:

The first level is designed to be easy and to help the players get familiar with the game. The shapes will appear in blue and green colors, and they won't be moving very fast. Try to tap the shapes as quickly as possible, but don't rush and make sure you hit them accurately. Take your time to get used to the gameplay mechanism and get ready for the next level.

Level 2:

In level 2, the shapes will have a brighter color, and they will move at a faster pace. This level is meant to be a bit more challenging than the first level, but still relatively easy. Make sure you keep your eyes on the shapes and tap them quickly and accurately. If you are having trouble, slow down and focus on accuracy rather than speed.

Level 3:

This level is where things start to get more difficult. The shapes will move even faster, and they will be smaller in size. You will need to be quick and accurate to keep up with the pace of this level. Try to tap the shapes as soon as you see them and aim for the center to score more points.

Level 4:

In level 4, the shapes will start to rotate, making it even more challenging to tap them accurately. You will need to use your peripheral vision to keep an eye on all of the shapes and keep up with the rotation. Don't get discouraged if you miss a few shapes, as this level is designed to be more difficult.

Level 5:

The final level of the game is the ultimate test of your skills. The shapes will move at a very fast pace and will be rotating at the same time. You will need to rely on your reflexes and visual acuity to keep up with the pace of this level. Be patient and try to tap the shapes as soon as you see them. Don't get frustrated if you don't score as many points as you would like - this level is designed to be very challenging.

Tips and Tricks:

Here are some tips and tricks to help you score higher in "20 Second Tap the Shapes Fast":

1. Keep your eyes on the shapes at all times. Don't let your gaze wander, as this will cause you to miss shapes.

2. Tap the shapes in the center to score more points. The closer you are to the center of the shape, the more points you will score.

3. Take breaks if you start to feel fatigued. This game requires a lot of visual focus, so it's important to take a break if you start to feel tired or overwhelmed.

4. Don't rush. While speed is important in this game, accuracy is even more critical. Take your time to ensure that you are tapping the shapes accurately.

5. Play in a distraction-free environment. This game requires a lot of focus, so it's important to play in a quiet and distraction-free environment.


"20 Second Tap the Shapes Fast" is a fun and challenging game that requires quick reflexes and visual acuity. The game has five levels, each of which is designed to be more difficult than the last. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can improve your score and achieve your best performance. Good luck and happy tapping!
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