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Adorable Home New Strategy Guide
Adorable Home is a simulation game that lets you nurture a virtual family in a lovely home setting. Just like in real life, the game presents you with many challenges, from managing household chores to maintaining relationships with your significant other and pets. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the game’s key aspects and offer tips and tricks for overcoming obstacles along the way.

Managing Household Chores

Keeping your house tidy and organized is essential in Adorable Home, as it affects your mood and the mood of your partner and pets. You can clean the house, cook food, and perform other household chores to gain Hearts and Love, which are essential currencies for progressing in the game. Here are some tips for managing household chores effectively:

1. Prioritize cleaning tasks
When you first start playing Adorable Home, your house will be messy, and there will be a lot of work to do. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, prioritize cleaning tasks. You can do this by focusing on one room at a time, starting with the one that is dirtiest.

2. Take care of your pets
Your pets play a vital role in the game, and they require food and attention regularly. Make sure to feed them, play with them, and clean up their messes, or they will become unhappy, which can affect your mood and Love points.

3. Cook healthy meals
Cooking healthy meals can also boost your Love points and improve your mood. You can experiment with different recipes to find ones that suit your taste and budget.

Maintaining Relationships

Relationships are critical in Adorable Home, and you need to nurture them to progress through the game. You can maintain relationships with your partner, pets, and friends by spending time with them, playing with them, and giving them gifts. Here are some tips for maintaining relationships:

1. Spend quality time with your partner
Spending time with your partner is essential for maintaining a strong relationship. You can do this by having a romantic dinner, watching a movie, or cuddling on the couch.

2. Play with your pets
Playing with your pets can improve your relationship with them and boost your Love points. You can play fetch with your dog or give your cat a toy to play with.

3. Keep in touch with friends
Maintaining relationships with your friends is also important in Adorable Home. You can do this by inviting them to your house, chatting with them, and giving them gifts.

Managing Your Finances

Managing your finances is another critical aspect of Adorable Home, as it affects your ability to buy new items and progress through the game. You can earn Hearts and Love points by performing household chores and completing daily tasks. Here are some tips for managing your finances effectively:

1. Buy essential items first
When you first start playing Adorable Home, you will have limited resources, so prioritize buying essential items like furniture, appliances, and food. You can save up for more expensive items later.

2. Complete daily tasks
Completing daily tasks like watering your plants or checking your mailbox can earn you Love points and boost your mood. Make sure to do these tasks daily to earn rewards regularly.

3. Be mindful of your spending
Be mindful of your spending and avoid buying unnecessary items. You can keep track of your expenses by checking your finances regularly and budgeting accordingly.


Adorable Home is an engaging simulation game that lets you nurture a virtual family and home. Managing household chores, maintaining relationships, and managing your finances are all critical aspects of the game, and doing them efficiently can help you progress through the game and achieve your goals. By following the tips and advice in this guide, you can become a master at Adorable Home and enjoy all the game has to offer.
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