Title: Bombsquad: Bomber Battle - A Fiery Blast Game!
Developer: Splendid Interactive
Overall rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5.0)
Bombsquad: Bomber Battle is a thrilling multiplayer bomb-blasting game that will keep you on the edge of your seat! It is a fast-paced action game where players have to strategically place bombs to defeat their opponents. With over a million downloads, it’s no surprise that Bombsquad stands out as one of the most popular games on the Play Store. In this guide, we’ll take you through the gameplay, controls, and tips to help you become a master of the arena!
Bombsquad: Bomber Battle is a player versus player (PvP) game that can support up to 8 players at once. Your goal is to defeat all the other players and be the last player standing. The game takes place on a rectangular arena that is full of obstacles and power-ups. At the start of the game, each player starts at one corner of the field and has to place bombs strategically to blow up their opponents. The player with the most kills at the end wins the game.
Bombsquad: Bomber Battle