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Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories Guide
Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories is a popular puzzle game that is both challenging and fun. The game is full of tricky questions and answers that will test your brain, and you will need to use all your mental abilities to solve them. In this walkthrough, we'll take a closer look at the game and provide you with some tips, tricks, and solutions to help you become a master brain teaser.

The game consists of a series of levels, each with its own unique puzzle to solve. The levels start off easy, but quickly become more challenging as you progress through the game. You'll need to think outside the box to solve many of the puzzles, and in some cases, the answer may not be immediately obvious.

To play Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories, you'll need to download the game from the Google Play Store. Once the game is installed, you can launch it and start playing. The game has a simple interface and is easy to navigate. To start a new level, simply tap on the level's icon on the main menu.

One of the standout features of Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories is the variety of puzzles on offer. The game features a mix of logic puzzles, brain teasers, and visual puzzles. Some puzzles require you to think logically and use your reasoning skills, while others require you to think creatively and outside the box.

To solve each puzzle, you'll need to use the objects on the screen and interact with them in various ways. You can tap, swipe, and drag objects around the screen to try to solve the puzzle. You can also use hints if you get stuck, although these hints are limited, so use them wisely.

One of the best things about Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories is the sense of satisfaction you get after solving a challenging puzzle. There's nothing quite like that feeling of accomplishment when you finally crack a tough brain teaser. So, without further ado, let's take a look at some of the solutions to some of the game's most challenging puzzles.

Level 1 – The Sniper Problem

In this level, you need to hit the sniper with your bullet. However, as soon as you start aiming, the sniper will start moving back and forth. To solve this, simply wait until the sniper is about to move in the opposite direction and then fire your bullet. The bullet will hit the sniper, and you will complete the level.

Level 2 – The Missing Piece

In this level, you need to figure out the missing piece of the puzzle. The puzzle features a series of triangles connected to each other. However, one of the triangles is missing. To solve this, simply rotate your phone 180 degrees. This will reveal the missing triangle, and you can complete the level.

Level 3 – The Watering Puzzle

In this level, you need to water the plants in the correct order. However, the watering can only holds enough water for one plant, so you need to fill it up multiple times. To solve this, fill up the watering can and water the plant on the left first. Then, fill up the watering can again and water the plant on the right. Finally, fill up the watering can one last time and water the plant in the middle. This will complete the level.

Level 4 – The Cat Problem

In this level, you need to stop the cat from getting the fish. To do this, simply tilt your phone slightly to the right. This will cause the vase to fall onto the cat, scaring it away, and you can complete the level.

Level 5 – The Spelling Problem

In this level, you need to spell the word correctly. However, the letters are jumbled up. To solve this, simply rearrange the letters to spell the word "Anvil." This will complete the level.

Level 6 – The Iceberg Puzzle

In this level, you need to break the iceberg to reveal the block of ice inside. To do this, tap on the hammer in the top right corner of the screen to pick it up. Then, tap on the iceberg repeatedly to break it into pieces. Once the iceberg is broken, the block of ice will be revealed, and you can complete the level.

Level 7 – The Matching Puzzle

In this level, you need to match the shapes with the correct doors. However, the shapes are moving around, making it difficult to match them up. To solve this, simply wait until the shapes are in the correct position and quickly tap on the corresponding door. This will complete the level.

Level 8 – The Color Match Puzzle

In this level, you need to match the colors of the cars with the colors of the road signs. However, the colors of the signs change periodically. To solve this, simply tap on the cars to change their color to match the signs. If the sign is green, tap on the car until it turns green, and so on. This will complete the level.

Level 9 – The Cake Puzzle

In this level, you need to cut the cake into eight equal slices. However, you only have three cuts to make. To solve this, make two horizontal cuts through the cake to create three equal slices. Then, make one perpendicular cut through the middle of the cake to create four more slices. This will give you eight equal slices, and you can complete the level.

Level 10 – The Missing Colors Puzzle

In this level, you need to fill in the missing colors in the sequence. The sequence is green, yellow, blue, pink, red, and orange. To solve this, simply use the colors that are missing. The missing colors are purple and black. So the sequence is green, yellow, blue, purple, pink, red, black, and orange. This will complete the level.

Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories is a fun and challenging game that will test your mental abilities. With a variety of puzzles to solve and a sense of satisfaction after each level, it's no wonder why it's so popular. With the solutions provided in this walkthrough, you'll be well on your way to becoming a master brain teaser.
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