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Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles Guide
Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles is a game that involves solving tricky puzzles, designed to test your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. There are numerous mind-bending puzzles that challenge you to use your logical reasoning and creativity to solve them. The game is designed to be engaging and addictive, with a variety of levels that increase in difficulty progressively. Here is a detailed walkthrough of the game.


The gameplay of Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles is straightforward. Each level presents a unique puzzle that requires you to find the solution. The game provides no instructions or hints, so it's up to you to use your intuition and logic to find the correct answer.

The puzzles are presented in different forms, such as riddles, word games, brain teasers, and math problems. Each puzzle has a timer, and you must complete it before time runs out to win the level. However, if you fail to find the solution, you can use hints or skip to the next level.

Hints and skips are limited, and you can earn them by completing levels successfully. You can also purchase additional hints and skips through the store.

Game Controls

The game controls of Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles are intuitive and easy to use. Most of the puzzles require you to tap, swipe, or drag objects to find the solution. The game also has a zoom functionality that allows you to zoom in on specific areas of the screen to get a better view of the puzzle.

Game Levels

Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles has numerous levels, with each level increasing in difficulty. The first few levels are relatively easy and can be completed quickly. However, as you progress through the game, the levels become more challenging, and you may find yourself spending more time trying to find the solution.

Some of the early levels include finding hidden objects, sorting colors, and matching images. As you progress through the game, you will encounter more complex levels, such as solving complicated math equations, decoding scrambled words, and putting puzzles together.

Game Graphics

The game graphics of Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles are colorful and eye-catching, with a playful design that makes the game appealing to both adults and children. The animations are smooth, and the imagery is clear and vivid, making it easy to identify objects and clues.

Game Sounds

The game sounds of Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles are engaging, with a playful background music and sound effects that match the gameplay. The sound effects accentuate the different actions you perform in the game, such as tapping on objects, and the cheerful background music helps to keep you in the mood as you progress through different levels.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you solve some of the trickiest puzzles in Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles.

1. Read the Questions Carefully

Some puzzles in Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles are designed to trick you with their wording. Always read the questions carefully before attempting to solve them to avoid getting tricked.

2. Experiment with Objects

Some puzzles require you to move objects around the screen to find the solution. Be sure to experiment with different objects and their interactions to discover the correct answer.

3. Think Outside the Box

Sometimes, the solution to a puzzle may not be immediately obvious. In such cases, try to think outside the box and approach the problem from a different perspective.

4. Use Hints Sparingly

Hints and skips are limited, so use them sparingly. Don't waste your hints on easy puzzles that you can solve by yourself.

In Conclusion

Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles is an engaging and addictive game that challenges you to use your logic and creativity to solve mind-bending puzzles. The game's variety of levels, captivating graphics, and playful sounds make it an enjoyable experience. If you love solving puzzles and riddles, you won't be disappointed with Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles.
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