Checkers is a classic game that has been played for centuries. It is a two-player game where each player has 12 pieces that are placed on a board of 64 squares. The goal of the game is to capture all of your opponent's pieces, or to block them in so that they cannot move.
Getting Started:
To get started with Checkers, you will need a checkerboard and 24 pieces, 12 black and 12 white. The board is divided into 64 squares, with alternate squares being black and white. Each player starts with 12 pieces, which are placed on the black squares in the three rows closest to them. The white pieces are placed on the black squares in the three rows closest to the white player.
Moving Pieces:
Each player, in turn, will move one of their pieces diagonally to an adjacent unoccupied square. If a player's piece lands on a square that is occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is "captured" and removed from the board. A player cannot jump over their own pieces.