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Clue Pad (Cluedo Notes) Guide
Clue Pad (Cluedo Notes) is a gaming app designed to help players keep track of clues and deductions during a game of Cluedo. The app is a perfect tool for both beginners and advanced players who may struggle to keep track of clues and their deductions while playing. Clue Pad is an easy-to-use app that works in real-time, so players can keep track of the game as it progresses.


When you first launch Clue Pad, you are presented with the main menu. From here, you can create a new game or continue an existing one. If you're starting a new game, you'll need to enter the names of the players, select the characters, and choose the board you'll be playing on. Once you've set up your game, you're ready to start playing.

During the game, the app allows you to keep track of all of the clues you discover. You can enter the room, weapon, and person cards that have been shown to you, and mark off the cards that you've eliminated. The app automatically updates the information in real-time, so you can keep track of all of the clues as they are revealed.

Clue Pad allows you to add your own notes and ideas about your opponent's moves. You can add hypothesis or deductions based on which clues have been eliminated or acquired. The ability to take notes and refer to them throughout the game is a helpful tool for players who struggle with keeping track of all the information in their heads.

As the game progresses and players make accusations, the app becomes extremely useful. You can add the accusation details to the app and see what has been eliminated and what is left as a theory. The app then allows you to deduce which of the three components was contained in your opponent's accusation – thus getting one step closer to solving the mystery.

As you continue to play, the app continues to work in real-time, updating the information and allowing you to keep track of all the new details that are revealed. The app's timer helps monitor the game length and serves as a reminder to keep the game moving.

Clue Pad summarizes all the previous progress and shows the set of possible solution you could have once all your clues were inserted. In this way, the app helps players determine what set of cards was used to create the crime and thus win the game.


Clue Pad offers several features that make it a useful tool for Cluedo players. The app provides an organized way to keep track of all the clues that are revealed during the game. The app includes a timer to keep the game moving, taking the pressure off the players.

Clue Pad also provides a customizable game experience. Players can select their character, board, and other relevant variables according to their preferences and choices. Additionally, the app allows players to add their own notes and deductions which can be referred to throughout the game.


Overall, Clue Pad (Cluedo Notes) is an excellent app for Cluedo players who want to keep track of their clues and deductions in a more organized manner. The app is user-friendly and works in real-time, which helps players to focus on the game and enjoy the experience without worrying about missing any crucial details.

Whether you're a seasoned Cluedo veteran or new to the game, Clue Pad is an app worth checking out. With the app's helpful features and easy-to-use interface, you'll be solving the mystery in no time.
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