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Criminal Case Guide
Criminal Case is a popular mystery-based game where players have to solve crimes and bring criminals to justice. The game provides an engaging and immersive experience for players to step into the shoes of detectives and encounter various challenges across multiple storylines.

The game is set in the fictional city of Grimsborough, where players assume the role of a rookie detective working under Inspector David Jones. As the game progresses, players work on multiple cases and gradually climb the ranks, unlocking new crime scenes and characters along the way.

The game has seven modes, namely Crime Scenes, Autopsy, Lab, Interview, and Additional Investigation. Each mode requires different skills and serves its own purpose.

Crime Scenes
The game's core mode is Crime Scenes, where players investigate various crime scenes for clues to solve cases. Players have to find hidden objects by tapping on them on the screen. Players must look closely as some objects may be disguised or hidden. Finding and collecting evidence such as hair, fingerprints, or footprints is critical to solving the case. Players can also use special tools such as luminol to detect hidden traces of blood.

In the Autopsy mode, players work alongside the city's medical examiner, Doctor Alexei Vasin. Players attend autopsies and provide insights on potential murder causes based on their findings. Autopsies also provide crucial background information that may help players identify the killer.

The Lab mode requires players to examine the evidence and submit them to scientific examination. Scientists in the lab use multiple techniques and equipment to analyze and test the evidence. Eventually, the lab results help players identify the killer.

During the interview mode, players have to question suspects, witnesses, and victims to uncover more information related to the crime. Players have to ask the right questions and listen carefully to responses to help move the case forward. Some characters may also provide alibis, which must be verified through additional investigation.

Additional Investigation
Sometimes, additional investigation modes become available. In this mode, players work with the police to gather additional information to help solve the case. For instance, players may have to sneak into a suspect's apartment to gather evidence that they could not collect during the initial investigation.

As the players progress through their cases, they accumulate stars that help them level up and unlock more content. Players can also compete with their friends and other players by comparing scores and achievements.

Criminal Case uses a freemium model, allowing players to download and play for free, but also offering in-app purchases. Players can buy energy to continue playing if they run out or make their way through cases quicker. However, one should note that making purchases isn't necessary to play the game.

In summary, Criminal Case provides an enjoyable and immersive experience for players who love mystery-based games. With increasingly complex cases, challenging game modes, and unique settings, the game is sure to keep players entertained and engaged for hours.
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