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Evony: The King's Return Guide
Evony: The King's Return is a popular mobile strategy game that puts you in the shoes of a city governor tasked with building and growing your own kingdom. The game has plenty of objectives to achieve, and it can be challenging to know what steps to take to reach them all. In this walkthrough, I'll take you through the different aspects of the game, and give you tips and tricks to help you progress faster.


The game starts when you're given a city to govern. At first, you'll want to focus on building up your resources and increasing your population. Evony's resources come in four different types: food, wood, iron, and stone. You'll need all four to grow your city and be able to construct new buildings and train more soldiers.

To start out, you'll want to build some farms to produce food. Food is the most important resource in the game, as it's required to feed your population. Without enough food, your population will start to starve, which will negatively impact your city's growth. You'll also want to build lumber mills to produce wood, iron mines for iron, and quarries for stone.

Once you have a steady stream of resources coming in, you'll want to start building other buildings to help you develop your city. There are plenty of buildings to choose from, but some of the most important include:

- Barracks: This is where you'll train your soldiers. You can use them to defend your city, or to attack other players' cities.
- Stables: This is where you'll train your cavalry, which is faster and stronger than foot soldiers.
- Academy: This is where you'll research new technologies to improve your city's production, defenses, and soldiers.
- Walls: These are essential for protecting your city from attacks. The higher your walls, the harder they are to breach.

You'll also want to invest in upgrades for your buildings and defenses. Upgrades can take some time and resources to complete, but they're worth it in the long run.


Throughout the game, you'll encounter different quests that will help guide you through the different aspects of the game. Completing quests can earn you rewards, such as resources, items, and gold. The quests vary in difficulty, but they'll help you progress faster and keep you engaged.


Joining an alliance is an important part of Evony: The King's Return. When you join an alliance, you'll be able to work together with other players to complete objectives, share resources, and defend each other's cities. Being in an alliance also gives you access to alliance technologies, which can give you advantages in different areas of the game.

Attacks and Defenses

Attacking and defending are two of the most exciting parts of Evony: The King's Return. You can attack other players' cities to pillage their resources or defeat their armies. Defending your own city is just as important, as other players will be looking for weak spots in your defenses to exploit.

When attacking, it's important to scout your target first to get an idea of what you're up against. You don't want to attack a city that's too strong for you to take on. You'll also want to make sure you have a balanced army with a mix of soldiers and cavalry. Foot soldiers are good for taking down walls, while cavalry is better for fast attacks.

When defending, you'll want to make sure your walls and defenses are as strong as possible. You can also station troops in your city to defend it from attacks. Make sure you have a mix of soldiers and archers, and that you place them strategically to cover all angles of attack.

Final Thoughts

Evony: The King's Return is a game that rewards strategy and patience. It takes time to build up your kingdom, so take it slow and steady. Completing quests, joining an alliance, and attacking and defending successfully are all skills that take practice, so keep at it. With some time and effort, you'll be able to build a thriving kingdom that can conquer all challengers.
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