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Hangman Guide
Hangman is a classic word game that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for decades. The game is simple, yet challenging, and requires players to guess a word by suggesting letters. However, every time the player guesses the wrong letter, a part of a "hangman" figure is drawn, ultimately resulting in a loss if the figure is complete.

If you're new to the game, or simply looking to improve your skills, this walkthrough will guide you through the basics of Hangman and give you some helpful tips to keep in mind as you play.


To start the game, one player (usually the Hangman) selects a word, phrase, or sentence and writes down the number of letters in each word. If the word is "Hello," for example, the Hangman would write "5" on a piece of paper. They then draw a single line for each letter underneath the numbers, representing the spaces where the letters belong.

The other player (the Guesser) will then start the game by guessing a letter. The Hangman will write the guessed letter on the blanks where it belongs, if it is in the word, and if it is not, a part of the Hangman figure will be drawn.

The Guesser continues to suggest letters one at a time until they are able to correctly guess the word or until the Hangman's figure is completely drawn.

Hints to improve your game

1. Start with the most frequently used letters.

One helpful tip is to start guessing the letters that are most likely to appear in the words or phrases being chosen. The letters "E," "T," "A," "O," "N" and "S" are the most commonly used letters in the English language. Therefore, it makes sense to start guessing these letters first.

2. Look for patterns.

As you guess letters and fill in the blanks, try to look for patterns within the words or phrase. For example, if you guess the letter "T" and it appears in both the first and last spaces, it could mean that the word has the letter "T" in both those positions. This can help you guess other letters that are likely to appear in those spaces.

3. Watch out for common Hangman words.

Another helpful tip is to keep a mental list of common Hangman words that are likely to be used by the Hangman. These include words like "banana," "Mississippi," and "xylophone." While this won't necessarily help you guess the word, it can help you prepare for the worst-case scenario.

4. Use process of elimination.

As you start guessing letters, keep track of the ones that have already been guessed. This will help you eliminate unnecessary letters and narrow down the possible options. If you come across a letter that's already been guessed, try to think of a new letter that could fit in the same space.

5. Don't be afraid to guess vowels.

Vowels are often overlooked by Guesser, but they can be incredibly helpful in filling in the blanks. If you're stuck and can't seem to guess the word, try guessing a vowel. There's a good chance that one or more of the blanks will fill in.


Hangman is a game of strategy, patience, and persistence. It can be frustrating to continually guess wrong letters and watch the Hangman figure be slowly drawn, but with these tips in mind, you'll be more prepared to tackle any word that comes your way. Whether you're playing with friends, family, or on your own, Hangman is a timeless game that is sure to provide hours of fun and entertainment.
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