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Jamaican Checkers Guide
Jamaican Checkers is a popular board game that originated in Jamaica and is known for its unique gameplay style that sets it apart from regular checkers. The game is played on a board that is similar to that of a chessboard and involves 12 game pieces on each side, which are usually black and white. The object of the game is to capture all of your opponent's pieces or make it so that your opponent cannot make any more moves. In this walkthrough, we will take you through a step-by-step guide on how to play Jamaican Checkers.

Step 1: Setting up the Board

The first step to playing Jamaican Checkers is to set up the board. The board is a 64-square checkerboard, with alternating colors of black and white. Place the board between you and your opponent so that each player has a black square in the bottom right-hand corner.

Each player will then take turns placing their 12 game pieces on their side of the board. The pieces must be placed on the dark squares on the first two rows closest to the player.

Step 2: Understanding the Movement of the Pieces

In Jamaican Checkers, regular pieces move diagonally forward, one square at a time. However, unlike traditional checkers, pieces can also move diagonally backwards. Additionally, pieces can also capture an opponent's piece by jumping over it diagonally forward or backward, as long as there is a clear square behind the captured piece. If there is another opponent's piece behind the captured piece, the capturing piece can only capture once.

Once a piece reaches the last row on the other side of the board, it becomes a "king." Kings can move and capture both forwards and backward diagonally and are represented with a stacking of two pieces on top of each other.

Step 3: Beginning the Game

The game begins with the player with the black pieces making the first move. Players take turns moving their pieces one at a time, either forward or backward diagonally. If a player sees an opportunity to capture an opponent's piece, they must take it. Failure to do so will result in a penalty.

Players should also be aware of the rule of "huffing." If a player fails to capture an opponent's piece when given the opportunity, the opponent has the option to remove the offending piece from the board, and the player loses their turn.

Step 4: Winning the Game

The game is won when one player captures all of their opponent's pieces or when their opponent can no longer make any legal moves. It is also possible to win the game if the opponent resigns.

Step 5: Tips for Beginners

For beginners, it is best to focus on capturing your opponent's pieces while also protecting your own. Try to create opportunities for multiple captures in a single move. It is also helpful to create a "wall" of pieces to protect your kings.

Players should also be aware of the importance of the center of the board. Keeping control of the center allows for more opportunities to capture your opponent's pieces.

Lastly, be patient and think ahead. Careful planning and considering all possible moves will help lead to a victory.


Jamaican Checkers is an exciting and challenging game that takes traditional checkers to the next level. With its unique gameplay style, it requires players to think strategically while still maintaining a level of fun. By following this walkthrough, players can enjoy the game and learn the rules and tactics necessary to win. So gather your game pieces and get ready to conquer the board!
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