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My Little Universe New Strategy Guide
My Little Universe is an exciting game where players can create and manage their own universe. In this game, it is important to have a strategy that will help you develop your universe while avoiding pitfalls. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the game and the best strategies to help you succeed in My Little Universe.

Getting Started

When starting My Little Universe, you want to take some time to familiarize yourself with the game interface and its mechanics. The game offers in-game tutorials that are very helpful and will guide you through the basics of gameplay mechanics, so be sure to play through them. It is important to understand the different elements of the game so that you will know what you need to do to reach your goals.

Create a Plan

Before you start building your universe, you need to put together a plan. The plan should include your goals, objectives, and what you want to achieve. You should also take into consideration the existing elements of the universe, including the character, resources, and environment. Your plan should also take into consideration the different phases of the game. The early game is geared toward getting started, the middle game is focused on expansion, while the end game is aimed towards the final objective.

Resource Management

Resources are critical in My Little Universe, and managing them properly is essential for success. Resources include energy, food, and money. You need to make sure that these resources are in abundance, and that they never run out. Energy is necessary for the different activities that you undertake, and it can be replenished by solar energy and other alternative sources. Food is also important, and you can grow it in your universe. Money is necessary to purchase new elements and upgrades, and you can gain it by selling resources, products, and trading.

Focus on Quests

Quests are important in My Little Universe because they guide and help you through the game. You should always focus on completing all quests as they provide rewards such as resources, upgrades, and characters. Quests also help you progress through the game and unlock new features. You can also earn experience points by completing quests which enable you to level up.

Upgrade and Build

Upgrading and building are also important elements of the game. You can upgrade buildings, resources, and characters to boost their productivity, making them more valuable. Additionally, you can build new structures such as factories, businesses, and residential units to expand your universe. You should also create an efficient layout for your universe, making it easier to manage.

Keep your Characters Happy

Characters are essential in My Little Universe. They play a critical role in helping you to complete quests and earn rewards. Therefore, it is important to keep your characters happy to enhance their productivity. You can do this by providing them with entertainment buildings and services. By keeping your characters happy, you will be able to complete more quests and produce resources quicker.

Stay Attentive

In My Little Universe, it is essential to be attentive and observant. You have to monitor your resources, characters, and environment continually. You should also be on the lookout for new features and upgrades that become available. Being attentive allows you to make decisions that positively impact your universe.


In conclusion, My Little Universe is an excellent game that requires strategic thinking and planning to succeed. To make significant progress, players need to focus on resource management, quest completion, character happiness, and efficient building and upgrade strategies. Always keep an eye out for new features, upgrades, and other opportunities. With the right strategy and attention to detail, you can be a successful My Little Universe player.
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