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Parachute Jump Guide
Parachute Jump is an exciting and adrenaline-filled game that offers players a unique experience that is sure to keep them on the edge of their seats. The game allows players to jump from a plane and land safely on the ground while avoiding obstacles and collecting points. In this walkthrough, we will provide you with a detailed guide on how to play Parachute Jump and how to improve your gameplay.

Getting Started

Before you start playing Parachute Jump, you need to download and install the game on your mobile device. The game is available on both Android and IOS platforms, and it's free to download. Once you have installed the game, you can launch it to start playing.


The game starts by taking you onboard a plane, from where you can see the world sprawled out beneath you. Your challenge is to make the perfect jump and land safely on the ground. You control the game using intuitive touch controls, which means that you'll only need to tap and swipe your screen to execute your moves.

You'll see a small circle on your screen that represents your parachute. As you make your jump, your goal is to navigate your parachute to a safe landing spot while collecting points. To navigate your parachute, you can swipe left or right on your screen. To slow down your speed and descend more slowly, you can tap and hold your screen. Similarly, to speed up your speed and descend faster, you can swipe down on your screen.

As you make your descent, you'll come across various obstacles that you need to avoid, such as tall buildings, flags, and other items. If you hit any of these obstacles, your parachute will be torn apart, and your game will end. Additionally, you need to watch your parachute's health, represented by a red bar on your screen. If your parachute's health gets to zero, your game will also end.

Collecting Points

Parachute Jump offers various ways to collect points, and the easiest way is to simply land safely on the ground. You'll earn 100 points for a safe landing, and your score will increase as you land multiple times without crashing. Additionally, you'll come across various floating coins as you make your descent. Collecting these coins will earn you extra points, so be sure to grab them when you can. As you collect more points, your ranking on the game's leaderboard will increase.

Tips for Better Gameplay

To improve your gameplay in Parachute Jump, here are a few tips that you can follow:

1. Timing: Timing is crucial in this game, and you need to time your jumps and landings accurately. Your goal is to land safely on the ground, which means that you need to time your landing just right.

2. Obstacle Avoidance: Always be on the lookout for obstacles, and try to avoid them as much as possible. Hitting an obstacle can end your game, which means that you need to be careful when navigating your parachute.

3. Collect Points: Parachute Jump offers various ways to collect points, and collecting as many points as possible can help you increase your score.

4. Upgrade your Parachute: As you progress in the game, you can unlock new parachutes that offer better maneuverability and speed. Be sure to upgrade your parachute to improve your chances of landing safely on the ground.

Final Thoughts

Parachute Jump is an exciting and engaging game that will keep you entertained for hours on end. The game offers intuitive controls, challenging gameplay, and a leaderboard that lets you compete with other players. Whether you're looking to kill time or challenge yourself, Parachute Jump is a game that you'll definitely enjoy playing. So, download the game today and experience the thrill of jumping from a plane and landing safely on the ground!
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