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Pet Puppy Care Dog Games Guide
Pet Puppy Care Dog Games is an engaging and fun game developed by GameiMake, which is designed for pet lovers. In this game, players are tasked with taking care of and nurturing a puppy. It is an enjoyable and educational game for kids and adults alike, who want to learn how to take care of their own pets. This article provides a detailed walkthrough of the game.


The gameplay experience is straightforward and easy to follow. Players start by selecting a name for their new furry friend. Next, they get to choose their puppy from a selection of cute and playful breeds – Dalmatian, Golden Retriever, Bulldog, and more. Once a pup is selected, players are taken to their virtual home, where they can feed and groom their new pal.

Feeding the Puppy

In Pet Puppy Care Dog Games, players must take care of their furry friend's basic needs, such as feeding them food and water when they are hungry and thirsty. Players can buy food and water from the in-game pet store with virtual coins. Coins can be earned by performing different activities with their puppy, such as bathing and cleaning them. Players can feed their pup by selecting the food and water bowl and drag and dropping them to their puppy. It's important to feed them when they are hungry, or they will become sad and lose energy.

Bathing the Puppy

Another crucial aspect of taking care of a puppy is keeping them clean and hygienic. Players must take their puppy to the shower and use soap and sponge to clean them. They can use a washcloth to dry their puppy after washing them. Players can also use a hairdryer to dry their pup's fur, which adds an exciting touch to the game.

Petting and Playing with the Puppy

Apart from just feeding and grooming the puppy, players can also spend time playing with them. There are several toys available in the game's pet store that players can buy for their pup. They can play with their puppy by throwing balls, frisbees and other toys. Players can also pet their furry friend, which makes them happy and earns coins.

Decorating the Puppy House

Players can decorate their new pet's house by selecting colors and designs for various elements of the house, such as the walls, floors, and doors. Players can also change the puppy's bed, curtains, and other accessories to their liking. This feature adds a personal touch to the game.


In conclusion, Pet Puppy Care Dog Games is an exciting and engaging game for pet lovers. The gameplay is easy to understand and follow, and the game's graphics are adorable and appealing to both kids and adults. The game teaches players to take care of their virtual pet and provides numerous interactive and educational features. Overall, the game is a must-have for pet lovers who want to learn how to take care of their pets while having fun.
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