Robbery Bob - King of Sneak is an intriguing game that immerses you in the role of a thief named Bob who has been training all his life to be the best robber in the city. Bob has a plethora of skills under his belt, such as stealth, speed, and agility that enable him to sneak into houses and apartments without anyone noticing. Your goal is to help Bob carry out his thievery without being caught by the police or the occupants of the houses.
Robbery Bob - King of Sneak is a 2D platformer game that requires you to help Bob sneak into people's homes and apartments without getting caught. The game is divided into multiple levels, and each level poses a new challenge that you must overcome to progress. The first few levels serve as tutorials that help you get acquainted with the game's mechanics and controls. You control Bob by using the on-screen directional pad and jump button. Bob's movements are swift and controlled, allowing you to navigate through tight spaces with ease.
Robbery Bob - King of Sneak