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Simple Guide For My Little Universe
My Little Universe is a unique simulation game where players create and explore a universe of their own. The game is designed to be simplistic, albeit visually appealing and immersive. In this game, players must create their own planets, stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies. Here is a comprehensive guide to help navigate the game.

1. Creating New Systems

To create a new system, players must select the "Create a System" button situated on the lower-right corner of the screen. Once there, they can begin their creation by choosing a suitable name for the system before selecting its type.

2. Creating Stars

To create a star, players must select a suitable name and color. The created star must have a minimum mass of one solar mass, and factors like temperature and luminosity will automatically be determined based on the chosen type. Players must also be mindful of the lifespan of the star they create.

3. Creating Planets and Moons

Creating planets and moons is straightforward, and players can accomplish this by selecting a parent object (typically a star) and clicking on the "New Planet" button. Players can then choose a name for the planet or moon, assign variables like mass, size, and atmosphere, and create moons in the same way.

4. Customizing Objects

Players can customize stars, planets, and moons by selecting them and clicking on the "Customize" button. There, they can change the name, type, and properties of each object.

5. Scenarios

The game has several pre-made scenarios that can be played by players. These scenarios range from creating life to destroying planets to cosmic events and more.

6. Exploration

Players can explore their universe by clicking on the "Explore" button. This feature allows them to navigate around their universe and observe the various objects they've created. They may also encounter other players' universes through this feature.

7. Achievements

Once players meet specific conditions, they can earn achievements that will be added to their collection.


There are many other features and mechanics in My Little Universe that players can explore and play. The game's stunning graphics and highly immersive gameplay make it an enjoyable experience for gamers of all ages and skill levels. With its simple interface, fantastic soundtrack, and addictively engaging gameplay, players will undoubtedly enjoy creating and exploring their very own universe.
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