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Slap Kings Guide
Slap Kings is a mobile game that has taken the world by storm, boasting over 10 million downloads on the Google Play Store. In Slap Kings, players compete in a series of slap battles against opponents with increasingly difficult levels. The game offers a unique take on fighting games, as instead of throwing punches or using weapons, players must use their hands to slap their way to victory. In this walkthrough, we'll guide you through how to play Slap Kings and offer tips to help you defeat your opponents.


At the start of the game, you'll be introduced to the tutorial. Here, you'll learn how to slap in Slap Kings. The gameplay is simple, all you need is a quick reaction time, and some strategic slapping. During the tutorial, you'll be trained to make sure you slap your opponent correctly. The key is to time your slap for when the slider is in the green area, which maximizes damage to your opponent. You can also use power-ups to boost your slap's strength.

Once you complete the tutorial, you'll be taken to the main menu, where you can select the "Play" option. Here, you'll be presented with a series of opponents to challenge. Each opponent has a different level of difficulty, and you'll be able to upgrade your player's strength, as well as your power-ups between battles. As you progress through the game, you'll face more challenging opponents.


The following tips will help you become a master slapper and defeat your opponents in Slap Kings:

1. Time your slap: As mentioned before, timing is everything when it comes to slapping in Slap Kings. Wait until the slider is in the green area to get the most damage in on an opponent.

2. Upgrade your player's stats: In between battles, you can use your winnings to upgrade your player's strength, speed, and accuracy. This will make it easier to defeat tougher opponents.

3. Use power-ups: Power-ups can give you an edge in battles, so don't be afraid to use them. You can get power-ups for free by watching video ads and buying them with in-game currency as well.

4. Aim for the cheeks: By focusing on slapping the cheeks of your opponent, you're doing maximum damage and winning battles more easily. Don't waste time trying to hit an opponent's nose or chin.

5. Be patient: The battles in Slap Kings can be long and grueling, so it's important to be patient. Wait for your opponent to make a mistake or give you an opening, then strike with powerful hits.


Slap Kings is a unique and entertaining game that combines fighting games with slap battles. It's easy to get started and offers a great challenge as you progress through the game. By following the tips outlined in this walkthrough, you'll be able to become a master slapper and defeat any opponent that comes your way. With over 10 million downloads and a 4+ star rating on the Google Play Store, it's clear that Slap Kings is a game that you don't want to miss!
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