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Ugolki - Checkers - Dama Guide
Welcome to Ugolki - Checkers - Dama, a classic board game that has been enjoyed for centuries. This game is packed with excitement, strategy, and clever moves that will keep you engaged for hours. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, this walkthrough will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to master it.


The game is played on a square board with 8x8 squares, alternately light and dark. Each player starts with 12 pieces placed on the two rows closest to them. The goal is to capture all of your opponent's pieces or block them from being able to move any further.

The pieces can only move diagonally forward one square at a time. If a piece reaches the other end of the board, it can be crowned and becomes a king. Kings can move diagonally both forward and backward one square at a time.

Capturing another piece is done by jumping over it diagonally. If a jump is possible, it must be taken. Multiple captures can be made in one turn. However, you cannot jump over your own pieces.


Here are some tips to help you develop a winning strategy:

1. Controlling the center of the board can give you power in the game. Try to control the four center squares of the board.

2. When you trade a piece for your opponent's, strive for your piece to be in control of a center square or the edge of the board.

3. Crowning your pieces early is useful, as kings have more mobility and are harder to capture.

4. Strategic blocking can be very effective. Block your opponent's forward movement by placing your pieces on the squares adjacent to theirs or by forcing them to capture one of your pieces.

5. Use your king to block key squares and cut off your opponent's options.

6. Keep track of all your opponent's pieces and movements to anticipate their strategy and act accordingly.


In conclusion, Ugolki - Checkers - Dama is a timeless classic board game with simple rules and endless possibilities. By using these strategies and practicing, you will find that winning becomes easier. This game is perfect for those who are looking for a fun and challenging game that will push their cognitive abilities to the limit. So, what are you waiting for? Let's play!
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