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Warplanes Inc. WW2 War on Hill New Strategy Guide
Warplanes Inc. WW2 War on Hill is a simulation game that puts players in the pilot seat during the Second World War. In this game, you will control various types of aircraft, from bombers to fighters, as you battle your way through enemy forces. To dominate the battlefield and keep your pilots alive, you will need to develop a comprehensive game strategy to overcome the challenges ahead.

Know Your Planes

One of the best things about Warplanes Inc. WW2 War on Hill is the variety of aircraft at your disposal. Each plane has its own strengths and weaknesses, and knowing how to use them to your advantage can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Fighters are fast and agile, making them great for dogfighting. They're also good at strafing ground targets, so use them to take out enemy tanks and artillery.

Bombers, on the other hand, are slow and lumbering but pack a punch. They're great for attacking fixed targets like enemy airfields and factories.

Make use of the different planes available to you, and switch between them depending on the situation. For example, if you're facing a lot of enemy fighters, switch to a fighter plane to take them out. If you encounter a heavily fortified enemy position, switch to a bomber to drop some bombs on them.

Upgrade Your Planes

In Warplanes Inc. WW2 War on Hill, you can upgrade your planes to increase their performance. Upgrades can include things like better engines, stronger armor, and more powerful weapons.

When you're first starting, focus on upgrading your fighter planes. They're the most versatile and can be used in a variety of situations. As you progress through the game, consider upgrading your bombers too. Upgraded bombers can take out targets more efficiently, which can be a huge help in some of the game's later levels.

When upgrading your planes, don't just focus on the offensive capabilities. It's also important to strengthen the planes' defenses so they can withstand enemy fire. This is especially true for bombers, which are vulnerable to enemy fighters.

Keep Your Eyes on the Skies

In Warplanes Inc. WW2 War on Hill, you'll be facing all sorts of different enemy planes, from fighters to bombers. It's important to keep an eye on the skies and be ready for anything.

The first thing to watch out for is enemy fighters. They're fast and agile, and they'll try to take out your planes as quickly as possible. Keep your fighter planes close to your bombers to protect them from enemy fighters.

Bombers in Warplanes Inc. WW2 War on Hill are vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire. Keep an eye out for anti-aircraft guns and try to take them out as quickly as possible. If your bombers are taking fire, switch to a fighter plane and take out the gunners.

Use Your Weapons Wisely

Each plane in Warplanes Inc. WW2 War on Hill is equipped with a variety of weapons, from machine guns to bombs. It's important to use your weapons wisely to maximize their effectiveness.

Machine guns are best used against enemy fighters. They can take down enemy planes quickly and keep them from getting too close to your bombers.

Bombs are best used against ground targets like enemy tanks and artillery. When dropping bombs, aim for stationary targets and try to hit as many as possible with each bomb.

One thing to keep in mind is that each plane has a limited supply of ammunition. Make sure you're using your weapons strategically and conservatively so you don't run out of ammo at a critical moment.

Final Thoughts

With the right strategy, Warplanes Inc. WW2 War on Hill can be a thrilling and rewarding experience. Focus on upgrading your planes, keep an eye on the skies, and use your weapons wisely to dominate the battlefield.
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