Filipino Checkers, also known as Dama, is a popular board game in the Philippines. It is played on a board of 8x8 squares, with each player starting with 12 pieces that are placed on the dark squares at the opposite ends of the board. The game is similar to international checkers but has some unique rules that make it more challenging and interesting.
The objective of the game is to capture all of the opposing player's pieces or to block their pieces so that they cannot move.
The game is played with two players, with each player controlling twelve pieces. The game is started by placing the pieces on the board, with each player placing six pieces on the first three rows of their side of the board. The pieces can only move diagonally and can only move forward. The pieces cannot move backwards unless they are promoted.
When a piece reaches the last row of the board on the opposing player's side, it is promoted to a king. Kings can move diagonally in any direction and can jump over any number of pieces in a straight line.
Filipino Checkers / Dama