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Stick War: Legacy Guide
Stick War: Legacy is a popular strategy game that has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide. With its simple yet challenging gameplay, players are required to build their army and fight against opposing forces in real-time battles. In this walkthrough, we will guide you through the basics of Stick War: Legacy and provide some tips and tricks to help you win battles and conquer your enemies.


Stick War: Legacy is all about building your army and unleashing them on your enemies. The game takes place in a world where stick figures are the dominant force, and you are tasked with leading your stick warriors to victory. The game is divided into several levels, where you encounter different types of enemies and challenges.

Building Units

Before you can start fighting battles, you need to build your army. To do so, you will need to gather resources. Resources in Stick War: Legacy include gold, mana, and gems. Gold is used to build units, while mana is used to cast spells. Gems are used to unlock new units, powers, and upgrades.

To build units, you need to click on the sword icon on the bottom right corner of the screen. This will bring up the unit menu, where you can see all available units. Each unit has its strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to you to decide which ones to use.

The most basic unit in Stick War: Legacy is the Miner. Miners gather gold from mines and bring it back to your base. Gold is then used to build units and structures. Other units that you can build include Swordwrath, Archers, Speartons, Giants, and Magikill. Each unit requires a certain amount of gold to build, and it also takes time to train them.


In Stick War: Legacy, you need to be strategic with how you build and use your units. The key to winning battles is to have a balanced army that can counter your enemy's units. For example, if your enemy has a lot of archers, it's a good idea to build swordwrath units to counter them. Likewise, if your enemy has a lot of speartons, you'll need to build giants to take them down.

When building your army, it's also a good idea to have a mix of melee and ranged units. Melee units can deal a lot of damage up close but are vulnerable to ranged attacks. Ranged units, on the other hand, can attack from a distance but are weak in close combat.

Another important aspect of Stick War: Legacy is managing your resources. You need to balance your gold and mana usage so that you can build units and cast spells when needed. It's also a good idea to upgrade your units and structures whenever you can, as this will make them stronger and more efficient.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to help you win battles in Stick War: Legacy:

1. Build a balanced army with a mix of melee and ranged units.

2. Use your spells wisely. Casting spells at the right time can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

3. Upgrade your units and structures whenever possible. This will make them stronger and more efficient.

4. Keep an eye on your resources. You don't want to run out of gold or mana in the middle of a battle.

5. Focus on building a strong economy. The more miners you have, the more gold you can gather, and the stronger your army can be.

6. Use the terrain to your advantage. Position your units in strategic locations, such as on high ground, to give them an advantage in battle.


Stick War: Legacy is a challenging and addictive strategy game that will keep you engaged for hours. With its simple yet deep gameplay mechanics and challenging levels, it's the perfect game for strategy fans who are looking for a new challenge. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this walkthrough, you'll be able to build a strong army, manage your resources, and take down your enemies. So what are you waiting for? Start playing Stick War: Legacy today and conquer the stick figure world!
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